Qualifying your customers

Qualifying your customers

Our platform quickly assesses whether a Payright Plan is suitable for your customer, but to ensure the best experience, a little bit of qualifying before you start the application goes a long way.

It will:
  • Save you time
  • Optimise the customer experience
  • Reduce those uncomfortable declines
  • Allow you to talk to other potential payment methods if Payright is not suitable.

Payright accepts Australian permanent residents & citizens. Here are a few tips of how to pre-qualify customers while discussing payment options, before starting the application process.

Qualifying criteria

Conversation starters

Valid & current AU photo ID

(Drivers licence or Passport)
“Hey Jane, with Payright you can spread the cost over time and the application only takes a few minutes. Have you got your Drivers Licence with you?”

18 years +

Probably pretty obvious but no one minds a bit of flattery…
“To apply for Payright you need to be at least 18, you look close, but just checking you're over 18?"

Mobile phone & Email Address

“They’ll need some contact details. Just checking you’ve got a mobile and valid email address?”

Regular income

“Just so you know, Payright leverages responsible lending principles, are you currently working?"

And sometimes… a credit check or bank statement will be required

“A credit check may be required as part of the application, are you comfortable to proceed?”

This should help you to get an idea of whether a customer is going to be the right fit for payment plan with Payright, and save you some time if they aren’t.