Payright’s complaints handling policy and procedure

Payright is committed to ensuring customers can access prompt, efficient and courteous complaints management that provides accountability and transparency while addressing complaints and concerns in a fair and transparent manner.
Your feedback about our organisation, its products, services, staff, and handling of complaints is important to us and we encourage you to get in touch.
Payright will respond to complaints and feedback in-line with this policy and considers regulatory guides and Australian and New Zealand Standards when handling complaints and feedback.


Payright’s commitment
If you contact Payright with feedback or a complaint, we will:

  •  treat you with respect;
  • tell you what to expect while your complaint is being assessed;
  • carry out the complaint management process in a fair and open way; and
  • provide you with reasons for decisions that are made.

We will always treat you with respect and courtesy and ask that you treat us the same.
We will protect your privacy in accordance with our Privacy Policy (which may be viewed here)


What you can complain to us about
You can make a complaint about your credit contract with Payright, or your interactions and experience with us.
It is not the purpose of this policy to address any issues or grievances that you may have with the Merchant. If you have a dispute with the Merchant, Payright encourages you to contact the Merchant directly. Should you be unable to resolve your complaint with a Payright Merchant, please contact us again and we will see if we can help you further.


Making a complaint
If you have a complaint or would like clarification from us, please:
Call us on: 1300 338 496
Email us at:
Or write to us at:

42 Cambridge Street Collingwood VIC Australia 3066

Most complaints can be resolved quickly, and we encourage you to contact us.


Management of complaints
Payright will acknowledge your complaint within one business day, or as soon as practicable.
All complaints require proper investigation, and we want to ensure that our response to you addresses the issues raised in your complaint.
We will provide you an initial response within 14 calendar days (10 business days) of receiving your complaint. However, where further information is required from you or outside sources, Payright aims to resolve complaints within 21 calendar days of receiving all the required information.
Where it is not reasonably possible to resolve your complaint within this timeframe, Payright will advise you of the reason and provide you with an indication of the alternative resolution timeframe.
Payright aims to provide you with a single point of contact. If you are not comfortable approaching this person, or it is not appropriate to do so, your complaint will be referred to another member of Payright’s staff. You may also request that your complaint be escalated and dealt with by that person’s manager.
In most cases and unless we resolve your complaint within 5 business days, Payright will provide final response to your complaint in writing. We will explain to you the outcome of our investigation and your rights to refer your complaint to a third party if you remain dissatisfied.


Options for resolution include, but are not limited to:

  • explaining the process that led to the complaint;
  • educating staff;
  • educating the complainant;
  • the offer of an apology;
  • ongoing monitoring.


If you are not happy with the resolution
If you are not happy with the resolution of your complaint, you may request that your complaint be escalated for review. Escalated complaints are usually handled by a senior manager.

External Dispute Resolution
Payright is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). If you remain unhappy with the outcome of your complaint after completion of Payright’s internal processes and procedures, you may take your complaint to AFCA.
AFCA’s contact details are:
Ph: 1800 931 678
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001


BNPL Code – Code Compliance Committee (applies to Payright Plans only)
Payright is a member of the Australian Finance Industry Association (AFIA) and an accredited member of the AFIA Buy-Now Pay Later Code of Practice (the BNPL Code) (which may be viewed here) that ensures all its members take a proactive approach to customer protections. Member conduct towards its customers is monitored through the Code Compliance Committee (CCC).
If you have a specific complaint relating to your Payright Plan that has already been raised with Payright and AFCA and you believe that as part of this complaint we have breached the BNPL Code, then you can report this breach directly to the CCC. The CCC will not consider your complaint whilst you are still trying to resolve it with us or AFCA.
The CCC is authorised to investigate any activities relating to an alleged breach of the BNPL Code, and where it is appropriate to do so, can make a range of recommendations to resolve the complaint. In some circumstances the CCC is also able to impose sanctions on us. The CCC process does not apply to PayrightPlus Loans.
To lodge a complaint with the CCC, you can contact them at


Policy review
Payright will review its complaints handling policy and procedures every 24 months or as otherwise appropriate.